Vicon PoE Port Combiner/Splitter

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  • Cost-effective solution for powering two Vicon cameras (≤ 30 Watts each) using a single cable
  • No separate power source required
  • The transmitter piece easily fits into a junction box
  • Indicates PoE presence at camera side

For customers who want to lower the installation cost of two co-located cameras, or add a second camera to an existing installation, this solution lets you connect any two Roughneck or
Roughneck AI cameras using a single Cat5/6 cable.

It includes a port combiner (for combining two IP/PoE signals) and a port splitter (for transmitting those signals through a single cable). Mix and match, and co-locate any form factor, i.e., any
combination of Roughneck Dome, Bullet, Fisheye or Corne cameras.

Product Datasheet
(Size: 521.6 KB)
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Stock Order on Request
Part Number V-POE-CS2
Tools Cabinets and Sockets Cabinet Accessories
Brand Vicon
Category Power & Connectivity, Tools Cabinets and Sockets